Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Don't lie for me Argentina

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Another Beer Church

Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Cafe Latte of Jesus

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Conservative Christian Americans Doing What We Do Best
Rebuking Satan (aka David Letterman) in the name of our Lord. A Mighty Throng of Righteousness numbering in the tens descended upon the Socialist Sodomite Verbal Pedophile Stronghold of CBS and there was great gnashing of teeth and speaking in tongues and the Lord was mightily pleased.
If God In Heaven had a wife she would surely be Sarah Palin.
If God In Heaven had a wife she would surely be Sarah Palin.
You're a Lumberjack and It's NOT Ok.

It turns out the Bozmanians wanted the Tea Party to pay for closing the main street and they wouldn't. Good for them. Why should they? Just cause the city has to pay for it out of the taxes don't mean us Patriots should pay. And just because these Gay Loggers are paying for their parade don't mean we should pay for ours. Ours is an American Patriotic event and theirs isn't. I just hope there aren't any Gay Loggers at our Elgin Tea Party or Gay anything for that matter. We just want to have an American Tea Party with American wieners and American beer and do a little tax revolting in the American way. I hope to see you there.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Us Christians Need to Pray for Senator Ensign

Friday, June 12, 2009
Some Mormon Boys Come In My House

Today two Mormon boys rung my bell. They was well dressed and very polite so it's just too bad they are going to Hell. At least that's what Pastor Coot says about them since they don't believe in the same Jesus us Real Christians believe in. There's isn't anywhere near as good. Well I offered them a beer and they said that Mormons weren't allowed to drink beer which is a deal breaker for any religion in my book. Anyways they start telling me about the Book of Mormon which says Jesus came to the Indians (the "me like firewater" kind not the "would you like some curry" kind) after he got done with the Jews and in fact the Indians are actually Jews that got really really lost somehow. Well that don't make much sense to me since they don't look anything alike and a warbonnet don't look anything like them Jew hats although it's true neither of them can hold their liquor. So that didn't go over too well. I asked them how many wives they were going to get to which they looked a little hurt and they said God changed His mind about that and they don't get more than one any more (which seems plenty me) . They said it was all in another book they have called the "D and C" which I think stood for "Doctorings and Coverups" or somesuch, (at this point they was getting kind of red faced and talking pretty fast so I'm not exactly sure) and even though their leader Mr. Smith said God said they should have more than one wife He told a later guy not to in the "Democrats and Cuticles" or whatever. That seems strange to me. God don't usually change His mind, although He did about the pork thing so we could have ham on Easter but not about the big stuff. But anyway I asked them in on the pretext of ministering to my daughter Eustacia hoping maybe one of them would take a fancy to her. I kind of lied and said she was couch-ridden which isn't really true as she does get up during commercials. At this point I'd take a Mormon or even a Muslin as a son-in-law as long as they got her off that damn couch and out of my house. I'm a bit desperate on that. The floorboards are starting to sag there. Well they took one look at her and were headed back for the door so I started to pray and speak in tongues and lay hands on them hoping to move the demon Mormon spirit out of them but that just got them even more riled and out the window they went. I'm going to have to mend the screen now. As they was running away they was crossing something out in a book and I guess they won't be back. I'll just leave it in the Lord's hands I figure but maybe I should of done better at ministering unto them and maybe I shouldn't of answered the door in my underwear.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Get thee behind me Satan

Jesus is everywhere, even in the bathroom as this picture shows, and us Christians can call on him any time to save us. And for all you potty-mouthed Atheistic Lieberals who don't believe it here's a story to prove it. This comes from WSB news/talk radio in Atlanta:
Christ Saves Woman from Attack
An Austell woman is thanking Jesus for saving her from an attacker. Francesca Cowan tells Channel 2 Action News, 37-year-old Anthony Pruitt came to her home on Winternest Drive and when he tried to kiss her and she refused, he attacked her. "He put my head in the toilet and flushed the toilet about three times; and then I just said to him, 'In the name of Jesus, stop and he stopped. He was startled; and I said in the name of Jesus, stop. I just kept saying it and he finally stopped,'" said Cowan. Cowan's 16-year-old daughter, who was at home at the time, called police. Pruitt has been charged with kidnapping, battery, two counts of aggravated assault, and other charges.
Now I've had my head in the toilet asking Jesus for help a few times in my life. Just last week as a matter of fact after I ate some of Satan's deviled egg salad. and He come through for me but I never had someone else there pushing me in like this lady. At least not that I can remember. You know how it is. But if I had then I can bet Jesus would have answered the call too. He can flush the sins from your life and wipe them away if you just ask Him to. He can protect you and yours from any evil from the Bowels of Hell that may accost you and make you a regular Christian again. God says it and I believe it.
UPDATE: WSB news/radio has now reposted the same story with the headline Jesus Saved Woman, Literally. Can't get any clearer than that.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Racking 'em up for Jesus

In these dark days of the Endtimes it's hard to keep kids on the straight and narrow. God knows it's hard for even a Christian parent like me to do it. I have to pray double every day to keep my daughter Eustacia from sitting around doing nothing but watching that Oprah woman on the TV and all her ungodly New Age nonsense. Getting her out of that chair takes the patience of a saint or maybe a Mack truck and a hoist. One or the other. So it's nice to see someone motivating the young folk like The Honorable Judge Ray Grimes who runs the Truancy Court in Clarksville, Tennessee. He invited Eric “The Preacher” Yow, who's a lawyer, a professional pool shark and also a Pulpit Minister for the Church of Christ to show the kids some trick pool shots that will no doubt get them back on track. Like he says, “Just as Jesus used parables to teach important Gospel messages, I demonstrate by illustrative pool trick shots and stories from my life significant life lessons that these troubled teens greatly need to hear.” Well that makes sense to me. I'm sure Jesus would've done the same thing if they'd had pool back then. I guess the lesson is that life is like a game of pool. You need to place a side bet on Jesus and hustle to win and with a little help from the Lord you will walk away with the prize.

Monday, June 8, 2009
Beer Church

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Live blogging of EMCRAM meeting 4

2:00PM Meeting of the Elgin Men's Christian Revivalist American Militia is called to order. Present: Me, Elrod Klempschmidt and Fremont along with the EMCRAM Ladies' Auxiliary which is my daughter Eustacia, her friend Tonowanda, Elvira Klempschmidt and Fremont's girlfriend FloraJoJean.
2:01PM Reading of the minutes: there aren't any because nobody kept them. Probably not a big loss. Best not to leave a paper trail for the enemy anyway.
2:10PM Agenda: Us men are going to continue our militia training and have a few beers and the womenfolk are going to see about designing us some uniforms since we don't have any. FloraJoJean suggests berets. Discussion: too French. Elrod insists everything should be cotton (American) because anything else makes him sweat like a pig. We decide on camouflage since we'll need that for when the UN troops arrive. We also want lots of pockets and a utility belt like Batman has.
3:00PM Lunch: Elvira brought her goddamn egg salad again but it looks a little green and brown so thank God we're not having it and ordering a pizza instead. The girls decide the egg salad does have the right color scheme for the uniforms so some good comes out of it.
3:30PM Pizza arrives. Maybe I should of ordered a bigger one as Eustacia and Tonowanda have eaten most of it before it gets to the table.
4:00PM The gals go outside for a break. They get to talking to our neighbor Mrs. Ochomadre over the fence. I think that's her name. I don't speak Mexican. We're staying inside to plot more strategy. We send Fremont to get another 12 pack. You have to watch your weight when you're militia training so we get Coors Light.
4:15PM Elvira and Mrs. Ochomadre are at it. Mrs. Ochomadre said Elvira's pink spandex makes her butt look like a giant wad of bubblegum someone spit out and Elvira told her she looks like a corndog dipped in bleach and she should get back to her brown roots and stop trying to look Aryan. I tell them they're both pretty but they tell me to shut up. I'm getting the hose out. Thank God for our border fence.
4:30PM Military Strategy Preparedness Film: Ice Station Zebra.
5:30PM Elvira says she's bored and is pouring Elrod into the car and taking him home. She says if I don't like it she'll beat me to death with the egg salad bowl. God does not like a mouthy woman and I sure don't either.
6:00PM There being no further business and we being out of both beer and pizza, meeting is adjourned. God Save the Republic.
Friday, June 5, 2009
D-List for Jesus: Stryper and Hookers for Jesus

Stryper, one of my all time favorite Christian heavy metal bands is in the news. Seems they're making a comeback and the lead guitarist Oz Fox is going to marry the gal from the Hookers for Jesus Ministry, Annie Lobert, and they're going to do it live on TV from the Church at South Las Vegas. Don't that just scream Sanctity of Marriage to you? Take that homos.
I've always loved Stryper. We're supposed to make a Righteous Noise for Jesus and they make more noise than anyone. Back in the 80's when they were big I took Elrod to one of their concerts before he was Saved. I guess he had taken some illegal substance (just say no) and it kicked in after the first song. He started screaming about how he was being attacked by giant transsexual bumblebees. I had to sit on him until he calmed down. He found Jesus after that and hasn't let go since so you know Stryper is doing the Lord's work. Well they're back together now working on a new album called "Murder by Pride". I assume they mean Gay Pride.

Anyhow, Hookers for Jesus (if you're thinking Hooters for Jesus you need prayin' for) is run by Annie who used to be one. A Vegas hooker that is. Then one of her customers convinced her to come to Jesus. Good for you, little lady. She started ministering unto the other hookers and going on the 700 club and the Jim Bakker Show and wrote a book called Hooker for Jesus. She and Oz are the perfect Christian couple if you ask me. Filled with the spirit and they both have nice hair. They are going to hook a lot of people for Jesus.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Bring Your Gun to Church Day

A God Fearing and Gun Toting Church in the proud red state of Kentucky is having an "Open Carry Church Service" where you bring your guns to church and I'll bet Jesus couldn't be more pleased. I know I am and when I'm pleased I'm pretty sure Jesus is too. Pastor Pagano of the Spirit-filled Assemblies of God New Bethel Church decided to have this Patriotic event. Like he says, "Not every branch of Christianity is pacifistic". And thank God for that. Lots of churches think Jesus was some kind of long haired hippie who was for peace and that's not true. Now the truth is they hadn't invented scissors or guns yet so He might have been a bit long haired and didn't own a gun but when He comes back I'm sure He'll get His hair cut and will be Pro-Gun. Although maybe He can't get His hair cut by regular folk like Superman couldn't because the scissors would break. Not sure how he did that. Anyway, I hope Pastor Pagano gets a big crowd. The only thing I disagree with him about is he wants people to bring their guns unloaded. What's the point of that? Be Prepared I always say. He also says to bring a canned good but I'm saving mine for the Tribulation which will be pre or post Millennial depending on who you ask. Either way I've got enough baked beans and pickled beets to last the whole 7 years, at least I hope so. The way my daughter Eustacia goes through food I just don't know. So I'm all for this idea and I'm going to pass it on to Pastor Coot at the Second Elgin Church of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. Here in Illinois we might have some problems with it since we're not as forward thinking as Kentucky and don't have Concealed Carry laws and such but maybe that will change soon. I'm praying on it. And you should too.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
New Hampshire Falls to the Homosexualists

Folks it's getting bad out there in New England. I say we just give the whole place back to Old England. New Hampshire has gone and destroyed the Sanctity of Marriage. The Granite State has gone soft. I guess it's the Pink Granite State now. Because of this I am boycotting and I won't be able to buy that granite kitchen counter top my daughter Eustacia has been nagging me about. It just seems there's no stopping them but I'm not ready to give up like Dr. Dobson from Focus On The Family who said, "There is nothing you can do at this time about what is taking place because there is simply no limit to what the left can do at this time. Anything they want, they get and so we can't stop them.....And so what you can do is pray, pray for this great nation... As I see it, there is no other answer. There's no other answer, short term." Well I'm no Surrender Monkey like him (I'm no monkey at all like I keep telling those damned Evolutionists) and I say we can't quit just because the enemy won a few rounds. Like Winston Churchill would say if he were still around: Even though large tracts of America and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gaystapo and all the odious apparatus of Lieberal rule, we shall not flag or fail.We shall fight on the gay beaches. We shall fight on the pride parade grounds. We shall fight at the antique shows. We shall never surrender.
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