Senator John Ensign from Nevada is being attacked in the Lieberal press for having a tiny little affair with some staffer who was also married and who probably led him astray. Women can do that like how Eve got Adam to eat the apple. The senator is busy apologizing to everybody today and that should be that. After all at least he's not a homo. He's a proud patriotic Republican who got a 100% percent rating from the Christian Coalition for his wide Pro-Family stance a while back and he's for making sure the Homosexualists can't marry amongst other things. He said "I know that I have deeply hurt and disappointed my wife, my children, my family, my friends, my staff and the people of Nevada who believed in me not just as a legislator but as a person." So now it's between him and Jesus and everyone else should just butt out. His wife Darlene forgave him like a good Christian wife ought to and now she says their marriage is stronger than ever. She found out a year ago and I guess John just forgot to tell anybody else about it til now. That's ok. It's none of our business when a fine Patriotic Conservative American like him goes to alleycatting around once in a while. Don't mean he's not working away on keeping the Atheist Lieberal menace from destroying our families the rest of the time. I'm sure Jesus will give him a free pass on this one. I know I will. So if you're one of those gossiping types who are going to make jokes about him like that communist Dave Letterman did about Sarah Palin you are in for a prayin' at from me. Leave Senator Ensign alone. He ain't perfect but at least he has a birth certificate.
I'm praying for him. God bless him.
so two married idiots screw around and you think they deserve our backing? WTF for they broke one or more of the commandments and ought not have our support EVER. I don't want immoral people making rules for my life or my future. Shame on you for supporting him.
Sorry Eustace but John Ensign ain't like Adam. He sure didn't eat no apple - he just kind'a poked to core out'a one.
This is so awesome. I also love the comments by the people you're making fun of, who don't get it.
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