Folks it's getting bad out there in New England. I say we just give the whole place back to Old England. New Hampshire has gone and destroyed the Sanctity of Marriage. The Granite State has gone soft. I guess it's the Pink Granite State now. Because of this I am boycotting and I won't be able to buy that granite kitchen counter top my daughter Eustacia has been nagging me about. It just seems there's no stopping them but I'm not ready to give up like Dr. Dobson from Focus On The Family who said, "There is nothing you can do at this time about what is taking place because there is simply no limit to what the left can do at this time. Anything they want, they get and so we can't stop them.....And so what you can do is pray, pray for this great nation... As I see it, there is no other answer. There's no other answer, short term." Well I'm no Surrender Monkey like him (I'm no monkey at all like I keep telling those damned Evolutionists) and I say we can't quit just because the enemy won a few rounds. Like Winston Churchill would say if he were still around: Even though large tracts of America and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gaystapo and all the odious apparatus of Lieberal rule, we shall not flag or fail.We shall fight on the gay beaches. We shall fight on the pride parade grounds. We shall fight at the antique shows. We shall never surrender.
This is great news! Eustace, are you sure you're not in the closet?
Even if this blog isn't satire, it's hilarious.
If you want to live in a theocracy, move to Iran.
Only Gay, I'm glad I don't live in your village. If it has a Church in it you ought to go in there so they can lay hands on you. In the bible way of course.
Jennifer, I'm not sure what a theocracy is. I knew a guy named Theo once though. I'm not moving to Iran because they don't let you drink beer there which I love almost as much as Jesus and low taxes.
Ya think it's a bit queer that mosta the gay states are "new" states? Since they were forced by the old states: Hampshire, York and Jersey to include "New" in their names, maybe they oughta be force to now changes there names to Gay Hampshire, Gay York, and Gay Jersey. Heck, there'd be no confusion with Old Jersey, and we christians should be given a heads up when goin to a gay state. A sign sayin' Welcome to Gay Hampshire" should do it, not that I would ever go there, but that's what they oughta do.
You got a point there Anonymous. There should be some kind of warning when you're entering a Pro-Homosexualist area. Like maybe instead of yellow lines in the roads there would be pink lines. You'd know to just keep on driving.
Jesus is crying in his marmite.
Eustace did you know that, until the time frame of second king. Even the Jews had gay male prostitutes at their temple to help pay for the upkeep of their religious institutions. There is no such thing as homosexuality there is just sexuality, who cares. As long as the people involved love each other who are you or I to judge.
I'm surprised at you Christina, what with you having Christ in your name and all. The Bible says that Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple not the gay male prostitutes because there weren't any otherwise he would of and it would be in the Bible. You must of heard that from a Lieberal.
I'm trying to think of a good use for the queers but haven't come up with one yet. Now that they can marry I guess that means we need to find a use for two of em now. My wife says one for hairdressing and the other for cleaning, but I don't think I could stand all the talking, especailly if she gets involved. Any ideas?
Anonymous it's best not to get two of them together. Now they don't reproduce like us normal people but once you get a couple of them then they call their friends and suddenly you got a whole damn Gay Pride Parade marching through your town and taking over your favorite bar which is a problem because they drink them wine spritzers and European beers which I don't like. And don't let them talk to your womenfolk. They have a habit of convincing them that they can do a lot better than you which she don't need to know even if it's true.
Yeah I spect its too late as my wife's sister has two of em come over to her house and clean and my wife is pushing me to get em over here. I've resisted so far seeing as how they painted my brother in laws bass boat powder blue. That just ain't right. BUt I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out. I've told her Jesus won't let the owner of a powder blue bass boat into heaven, but she says she needs help cleaning. Hell I'm not going to do it, what is your advice?
I hear you brother and I'll put you on my prayer list even if it's getting a bit long. You're right powder blue ain't a manly color but thank the Lord in Heaven they didn't do pink. They sure do love pastels don't they? I don't know why your woman don't do her own damn housework. Maybe you need to buy her a new vacuum cleaner for her birthday. That always cheers them up.
We can still protect the "Sanctity" of marriage.
Let churches decide what is deemed sacred to them and who they will marry, not the Courts. How is marriage sacred if it is legitamized by a Clerk, if there is a 50% chance of divorce, and adultery is so common?
Let's protect the Sancitity of Marriage:
Ban Divorce.
Criminalize Adultery.
Civil Unions Only in Courts (for any couple)
Marriages in Churches Only (for any couple)
4 out of 5 Baptist divorcees want Gays to stop underming the sanctity of marriage.
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