Saturday, May 23, 2009

Live blogging of EMCRAM meeting 3

2:00PM Meeting of the Elgin Men's Christian Revivalist American Militia is called to order. Present: Me, Elrod Klempschmidt and Pastor Ebenezer Coot of the Second Elgin Church of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior (the first one burnt down on account of there being no lightening rod) who is here as our Christian Adviser. Fremont ain't here because he had to take the kids and his ex says she don't want them anywhere near his friends. Can't imagine why.
2:01PM Reading of the minutes. I think we'll skip this in the future as I don't like to be reminded.
2:10PM Pastor Coot leads us in a short prayer.
2:50PM Prayer over. Praise the Lord.
2:53PM Agenda: Seeing as how I couldn't think of one, we don't exactly have an agenda today so we'll just wing it. Sometimes a Militia has to be able to think on its feet although I think we'll mostly be just sitting today. My lumbago is acting up again.
3:10PM There's a knock on the door and it turns out to be a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses. Pastor Coot engages them in Religious Debate about Pre or Post Millennial Tribulation Rapture.
3:25PM I have to turn the hose on all three of them.
3:50PM Lunch. Baloney sandwiches. Pastor Coot says he loves baloney. So do I. A lot more than that damn egg salad, pardon my french.
3:45PM Military Strategy Preparedness Film: Dawn of the Dead.
4:45PM Pastor Coot is snoring so loud it could wake the Dead.
5:00PM We get a Lecture from Pastor Coot about Jesus and Taxes. He says that stuff about Jesus hanging around with the tax collectors and picking one (Matthew) to be a disciple don't mean he was ok with taxes. The Pastor says that's all spin from those lieberal fake churches. Jesus was NOT a Socialist like they say. Jesus just wanted to keep an eye on them. Pastor Coot also says Jesus was no wimpy long haired hippie either. He was a manly outdoorsman type going out into the wilderness for 40 days and all. The only reason he didn't take a gun with him is cause they hadn't been invented yet.
6:00PM After final Prayer by Pastor Coot, meeting is adjourned. God Bless the Republic. Once again I don't feel so good but I feel closer to God.

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