This blog is about my love for Jesus, a Christian America, and low taxes.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Sad Day In America- Alan Keyes is arrested
Today Mr. Ambassador Dr. Alan Keyes was arrested trying to save the unborn Baby-Americans by protesting Abortionist Not-My-President Barack HUSSEIN Obama speaking at Notre Dame and I say shame on America. If you ask me they arrested the wrong Black Man. How Illinois voters could have turned down a great man like this over a guy who doesn't even have a birth certificate and is a Socialist is beyond me. One can only think Satanic influence must be involved. Mr. Keyes tried to warn us and even tried to sue in court to stop the False Messiah from being president because he wasn't born here but the Socialist Activist judges in the Peoples Republic of California threw out his case. As a good Christian Mr. Keyes has also taken on the Homosexualists and showed true faith when he discovered one of them living in his house pretending to be his daughter and threw her out. And good for him. If I found out Eustacia was one of them it would give me a righteous excuse to get her out of the house but she's not so I'm stuck with her. Also arrested was fine American Randall Terry who tried to save that Schiavo woman but failed. I think he also found a gay living in his house. Anyway here's a video I found of Mr Keyes explaining how he was killed for the unborn Baby-Americans. Update: If you are as angry as I am about what Notre Dame is doing write to: Father Tyson, Administration Building, Notre Dame, IN 46556 and tell him you aren't going to buy any more of his chicken.
explain this to me, how come you, who lacks a womb, think you have the right to say what a woman can do with it? Second, 1st amendment says this is NOT a god nation, its secular, so STFU and go die in fire you racist man cunt.
I don't know how you have time to post all over the internets Anonymous. It's like there's more than one of you. It's true I don't have a womb or other women parts but I know what God says. And he says there should be a baby in there somewhere because there isn't any room for one in a man. So you take it up with Him. And this sure as heck IS a God Nation because it says so on our money. I'm not sure what STFU is. Is it some kind of Socialist government program?
explain this to me, how come you, who lacks a womb, think you have the right to say what a woman can do with it? Second, 1st amendment says this is NOT a god nation, its secular, so STFU and go die in fire you racist man cunt.
I don't know how you have time to post all over the internets Anonymous. It's like there's more than one of you. It's true I don't have a womb or other women parts but I know what God says. And he says there should be a baby in there somewhere because there isn't any room for one in a man. So you take it up with Him. And this sure as heck IS a God Nation because it says so on our money. I'm not sure what STFU is. Is it some kind of Socialist government program?
I don't believe the rape victims invited anything "in".
Babies come from God, Stella, but He needs a middleman.
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