Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Maine falls to the Homosexualists

Maine has passed a law destroying the Sanctity of Marriage and you can bet your bottom dollar there will be no more lobster served in this American's home. Not that there ever was. They're too damn expensive and I was never sure which parts to eat anyhow. The skin is pretty tough. I'll stick to American hamburgers made from Texas beef and American fries made of Idaho spuds. Both red states and I don't mean red like a lobster or a Democrat or Satan. If Idaho and Texas go Homosexualist I don't know what I'll eat. I'd grow my own food but my back yard used to be part of the old Elgin National Watch Company where they dumped the radium tailings for the dials and I'm not sure if I should eat what grows there. The grass is a real interesting shade of green though. Maybe I should stock up on canned baked beans just in case. Anyhow, the number of states that have been taken over by the Homosexualists continues to grow and you can bet that God is not pleased. Neither am I. If the whole dang country goes gay I will NEVER find a husband for my daughter Eustacia. Not that it'll matter since marriage won't be worth a plugged nickel. Lord preserve us.


Anonymous said...

If Idaho and Texas go Homosexualist I don't know what I'll eat.umm...

no, I won't go there, too easy.


Twisted Mister said...

Did you see what those gay freaks did to Miss California? They're coming for all of us next. Gonna try to turn our kids queer.

Eustace P.Winbagg III said...

Yes I did Twisted Mister and as God is my witness I will never ever set foot in a Hilton Hotel as long as I live. And I don't care if Miss California's jugs are unnatural or not, she's a fine Christian lady. I just wish to God my daughter Eustacia was half that pretty. She'd be out of the house and married by now. She just mopes around here watching that Oprah woman. Please pray for her. And me. I can't afford to feed her anymore with the Obama Recession and all.

Anonymous said...

Hello klan's man! I see you have donned your hood yet again to deny someone else the right to exist! sadly, I must inform you that gay people do have rights and this is not a nation of Christ. Why you ask? Its because whenever religion is put into goverment, bad things happen (see last 8 years). Secondly, no one will ever want your fugly fat daughter, why? Because given a choice between butt sex with a guy and your whore of daughter, I will take the guy.We are here, we are queer, get used to it. And just FYI, tea bagging is when one male inserts his testicles into the mouth of another male, so yes, tea bag for christ, in fact, tea bag christ!

Eustace P.Winbagg III said...

I don't know who this "Anonymous" character is but he sure pops up all over the place. It's true Eustacia ain't no looker but she's got a kind heart. Deep down there somewhere. Way down. And I am SURE there's a man out there for her. I hope to God there is. They can't ALL be Homosexualists. At least not until the Lieberals get their way. And this IS a Christian nation no matter how much you Lieberal Atheists say it ain't. I'm here and a bunch of us other Christians are here so it's Christian. In God We Trust, baby, and don't you forget it.
I don't want to hear what you Homosexualists do in the bedroom because it's a sin so I didn't read the rest of your post, Mr. Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

XD may I point out that religion is dying in america, because religion only yields suffering and gay marraige will happen bigot!

Eustace P.Winbagg III said...

I use Windows Vista not XD, Anonymous. Religion is NOT dying. You Lieberals would like that to be the case but keep dreaming. We got like 200 churches here in Elgin and OK some of them don't count because they're Catholic or whatnot. But the real ones are full mostly. And when they're full they just sprout another one. And nobody is suffering, especially not the preachers.

Artoo45 said...

Awesome Poeage.