Friday, May 8, 2009

Don't Poupon our burgers, Mr. Obama!

As if you needed any more proof that Not-My-President Barack HUSSEIN Obama isn't a real American now it turns out he ordered a burger and put mustard on it. And not good old American ballpark mustard. No that's not good enough for him. He had to have spicy Dijon mustard. I'm not exactly sure where Dijon is but I'll bet there's Muslins there. But I ask you. What REAL AMERICAN would put mustard on a hamburger? That just proves he's not from around these parts. You put ketchup on a burger. You put mustard on a hot dog. And mustard shouldn't be gray. It should be bright yellow. Not spicy either. Spicy means FOREIGN and I don't like it. So WAKE UP AMERICA. Your Socialist leader is messing with our traditions and when you mess with our traditions you mess with the bull.


BUZZ CUTT said...


Polar Bear Lover said...

Eustace, what a maroon you are. My miniature schnauzer is smarter than you. Who cares if he puts mustard on his hamburger? Get a life, idiot.

Anonymous said...

Um, I think somebody’s a little satire-challenged.

Eustace P.Winbagg III said...

Polar Bear Lover, I graduated 183rd in my class from Elgin High so I'm no idiot. You know what? Polar bears are just regular bears that are white so if you're one of those Lieberal Warmist nuts why don't you just go up there and hug one?

Polar Bear Lover said...

Eustace, I won't argue with you. You obviously need psychiatric help. I feel sorry for your wife and daughter.

Eustace P.Winbagg III said...

It's just me and my daughter Eustacia . My wife run off with a guy who claimed to be a Baptist preacher a while back but I don't want to talk about it. Anyhow if you love bears then I ain't the one with the problem .

Anonymous said...

no wonder she left, your a batshit racist, sexist man cunt!

Eustace P.Winbagg III said...

Hey nobody's perfect, Anonymous. My wife run off because that Rev. Wilfred Owens (or at least that's what he said his name was)told her that the Lord said she should but I don't believe it. Because He didn't tell me anything about it. I just got a note written on the back of an ad for a carwash. But really I blame the Lieberals. They put all these ideas in peoples heads.

trish said...

Polar Bear and Anon every person on the Internets knows that the term "Muslin" can be used as a means of letting you know the person is using satire. This can work if you have trouble spotting the other obvious clues.

David Greenfield said...

it's amazing how many people can't understand sarcasm..
great blog, made me laugh :)