Thursday, May 7, 2009


I am so ANGRY about the attacks on this little lady from the Homosexualists. This really gets my dander up. And by getting my dander up I don't mean what some of you pervs think I mean. If she were my daughter (and I have to admit I kind of wish she was) you would NOT be saying that kind of stuff to my face. She said what God wanted her to say and if you don't like it maybe you should take it up with Him. I'm for Opposite Marriage too. She wants to marry a decent Christian man and have babies by him. I DO NOT believe there are nudie pictures of her out there. I've looked for them ALL DAY on the internet and I can't find them. It's just a LIE perpetrated by the Homosexualists like that Paris Hilton. They've also put out the other LIE that her jugs are not real. They look real enough to me. If they aren't it's NOBODY'S BUSINESS. DON'T ASK DON'T TELL. So LAY OFF CARRIE.


Taxpayer in Crystal Lake said...

God bless Carrie for supporting marriage as God intended it!

"If you lie with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination before almighty God." Leviticus 20:13

Jeuslovesgays said...


MMMMM! that looks so good!

Eustace P.Winbagg III said...

Jesus does not love the gays. He doesn't even try to cure them in the Bible.

Anonymous said...

good christian woman don't prance around on national TV shaking their ass for all to oggle. What Bible do you read from surely not the KJV cause your actions and words go against the 10 commandments. Thou shall not covet. Plus you look at porn and covet some more. Shame on you!

Unknown said...

hhmmm.. do you mean perez hilton? Please get your information right before you write something down.

The bible says a lot of things, so if you were a good christian, would you follow all of it?
Does you wife and daughters wear a head scarf? Because I'm pretty sure the bible says they must. Do you stone adulterers? Do you have sex with the daughters of non-believers? Take a look at Leviticus sometime. Also, were aware that the canon was created by a group of men who were offered HUNDREDS of gospels, but only chose the ones they thought would fit their criteria of Christianity.

I love how people preach about being true christians and what not, yet they do not really even know what true christianity is. Before you say anything, please get off your high horse and take a THEOLOGY course. I mean some of the things I mentioned can be easily googled, but if that isn't enough, have a Doctor in theology confirm it. You people know nothing about history, about theology, about the origin of the bible, about all the other gospels, about the gospels that were taken out of the canon before being closed. irks me how people can be so ignorant and talk about things with justification.